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about [2024/06/05 21:58] – created davidhudabout [2024/06/30 16:59] (current) davidhud
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-====== About ======+====== About this Site====== 
 +When my dad passed away I didn’t know where to start. He owned a house, ran his own business, and had a checking account that I was now responsible for. In addition to that there were monthly bills coming to the house, and an open loan that he was still in the process of paying off. 
 +The stress and confusion of dealing with these items only compounded on the feelings of grief that one goes through when dealing with the death of a parent.  
 +My dad didn't have a will or trust, so I also embarked on the lengthy process of going through probate while also figuring out how to manage his personal affairs.  
 +This site was created with the goal of gathering knowledge and wisdom from those that have gone through a similar situation in an effort to help others manage the process of dealing with the loss of a loved one.
-After my father passed there was a lengthy probate process, as well as a complicated task of dealing with his personal affairs. This site is intended to be a resource where people can provide personal experience and knowledge to help others that are going through a similar ordeal.