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estate_sale [2024/06/23 22:59] davidhudestate_sale [2024/10/11 20:32] (current) bogmire
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 ======Estate Sales====== ======Estate Sales======
 +Estate Sales can be a helpful way to find new homes for items that you don't plan to keep. An Estate Sale is different from a traditional yard sale because it involves items that aren't necessarily outdated or unwanted, and also because it involves people coming inside the house where the sale is happening.  
-===Steps to running successful Estate Sale===+It is important to make plan for how you will manage the sale to ensure the home and the items inside it remain secure. 
-==1. Prepare the House== +=====Steps for running successful Estate Sale=====
-Remove any items from the house that you do not want to sell, or move such items to secure room/storage area where they will not be seen by visitors+
-==2Price all items== +=====1Prepare the House===== 
-Determine prices for the items you plan to sell in advance +  * Remove any items from the house that you do not want to sell, or move such items to a secure room/storage area where they will not be seen by visitors
-For Antiques and other valuablesconsider hiring an antique appraiser to help evaluate the true value of the item +
-  * [[https://www.valuemystuff.com/us|ValueMyStuff]] will provide virtual appraisals +
-  * [[https://www.worthpoint.com/|WorthPoint]] is a resource to find the value of more unique antique items, but requires you to create an account +
-  * [[https://www.ebay.com/|eBay]] is another valuable resource to check on the market value of items. //Key Tip//: Filter items by SOLD Price for a more accurate idea of the market value +
-Create price tags and labels for all items+
-==3. Scheduling== +=====2. Price all items===== 
-Timing +  * Determine prices for the items you plan to sell in advance 
-    * Hold the estate sale over the course of 2 days for best results+  * For Antiques and other valuables, consider hiring an antique appraiser to help evaluate the true value of the item 
 +        * [[https://www.valuemystuff.com/us|ValueMyStuff]] will provide virtual appraisals 
 +        * [[https://www.worthpoint.com/|WorthPoint]] is a resource to find the value of more unique antique items, but requires you to create an account 
 +        * [[https://www.ebay.com/|eBay]] is another valuable resource to check on the market value of items. //Key Tip//: Filter items by SOLD Price for a more accurate idea of the market value 
 +  * Create price tags and labels for all items 
 +=====3. Scheduling===== 
 +  * Hold the estate sale over the course of 2 days for best results
         * Estate Sales are most commonly held on Fridays and Saturdays         * Estate Sales are most commonly held on Fridays and Saturdays
-    * Start Estate  early in the morning (7-8am)+  * Start Estate  early in the morning (7-8am) 
 +  * Day 1 tends to attract the more serious buyers who frequent Estate Sales
-==4. Advertise the Estate Sale==+=====4. Advertise the Estate Sale=====
   * List details of Estate Sale on relevant websites   * List details of Estate Sale on relevant websites
-      * [[https://www.estatesales.net/|EstateSales.Net]] is a site with a strong following in the Estate Sale community  +        * [[https://www.estatesales.net/|EstateSales.Net]] is a site with a strong following in the Estate Sale community  
   * Include pictures of items on the listing for best response    * Include pictures of items on the listing for best response 
   * Post Estate Sales signs at major intersections in local neighborhood   * Post Estate Sales signs at major intersections in local neighborhood
-      * Sign should include address and start and end time of sale+        * Sign should include address and start and end time of sale
-==5. Crowd Management== +=====5. Manage the Crowd===== 
-    * Provide a sign-in sheet at the front door for people who arrive early+  * Provide a sign-in sheet at the front door for people who arrive early
         * On the first day of our estate sale we arrived to the house 30 minutes early and there were already people lined up waiting to enter         * On the first day of our estate sale we arrived to the house 30 minutes early and there were already people lined up waiting to enter
-    * Limit foot traffic to a single entry/exit point +  * Limit foot traffic to a single entry/exit point 
-    * Have family members or friends in each room of the house where items are for sale to monitor visitors +  * Have family members or friends in each room of the house where items are for sale to monitor visitors 
-        * //Theft is very common// at these events so this is a critical step +        * //Theft is unfortunately very common// at these events so this is a critical step 
-==6. Payment Management== +=====6. Manage Payments===== 
-    * Have someone stationed at the exit point to serve as cashier+  * Have someone stationed at the exit point to serve as cashier
         * This will allow you to confirm the payment for sold items as people are leaving          * This will allow you to confirm the payment for sold items as people are leaving 
         * Having a single exit point will reduce the potential for theft         * Having a single exit point will reduce the potential for theft
-    * Be prepared with cash to provide change when items are sold +  * Be prepared with cash to provide change when items are sold